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From CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies

Results (5)
Moran, Patrick F., “Biblical manuscripts of the early Irish church”, The Atlantis 5:9 (1870): 69–121.
Journal volume:  Internet Archive: <link>
De Vere, Aubrey, “The lay of the heads; or, the vengeance of Connal Cearnach”, The Atlantis 5 (1870): 173–175.
Journal volume:  Internet Archive: <link>
OʼCurry, Eugene [ed. and tr.], “The ‘Trí thruaighe na scéalaigheachta’ (i.e. the ‘Three most sorrowful tales’,) of Erinn. — II. ‘The fate of the children of Lir’”, The Atlantis 4 (1863): 113–157.
HathiTrust – originally from Google Books: <link>
OʼCurry, Eugene [ed. and tr.], “The ‘Trí thruaighe na scéalaigheachta’ (i.e. the ‘Three most sorrowful tales’,) of Erinn. — III. ‘The fate of the children of Tuireann’”, The Atlantis 4 (1863): 157–240.
HathiTrust – originally from Google Books: <link>
OʼCurry, Eugene [ed. and tr.], “The ‘Trí thruaighe na scéalaigheachta’ (i.e. the ‘Three most sorrowful tales’,) of Erinn. — I. ‘The exile of the children of Uisnech’”, The Atlantis 3:4 (1862): 377–422.
HathiTrust – originally from Google Books: <link>
comments: Edited from YBL

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